How is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sydney Different From Steroids Use?

Testosterone replacement therapy Sydney form is a legitimate type of HRT, or hormone replacement therapy. The objective of this treatment is to assist men suffering from low or decreased testosterone levels in their bloodstream and eventually help them improve the quality of their lives. 

This can be accomplished by assisting their bodies to produce the ideal amount of testosterone needed by the body.

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Before we dig into this even further, let us first clarify a popular misconception about testosterone itself. To be clear, testosterone is an anabolic steroid. This means to say that it is the same type of substance that other problematic athletes have abused illegally in the past. To put it mildly, this is a qualified performance-enhancing substance.

TRT in Australia is classified into four broad groups, namely:

Subcutaneous Implant:

This type of testosterone replacement therapy Sydney doctors use and offer to their patients involves the placement of a tiny pellet beneath the skin. Your attending doctor can place the pellet underneath the skin of the buttocks or in the abdomen area, depending, of course, on the preference of the patient. 

With regard to the size of the pellet, they are usually a little larger than the size of a grain of rice. As a form of TRT, it can assist in maintaining a high testosterone concentration in the bloodstream. However, it should be administered at least once every 3-5 months.

Transdermal Patch:

Like an implant, this form of treatment offered by TRT Australian doctors provides a consistent stream of testosterone to the male human body by virtue of a small patch. 

The testosterone patch can be worn on the scrotum or can be placed on the upper arm. However, it does not come without a minor drawback. Testosterone patches can sometimes induce mild skin irritation, which is tolerable even for those who happen to have sensitive skin.


When it comes to the safest method of TRT in Australia, it has to be the injectable type.  A licensed physician or health worker can administer testosterone at the patient’s home, which is one of the most cost-effective approaches to low testosterone. 

One of the sought out advantages of this treatment option is that it tends to mimic the natural fluctuations of testosterone. 

Gels and Creams

Creams and gels are other popular forms of TRT in Australia. They are widely accepted among TRT patients because they are easier and more convenient to administer. Besides their high level of effectiveness, TRT clinics can administer them once or even two times daily, either to the arms or shoulders.

Along with their ease of application, they also have a string of additional benefits for patients. One, they add up to the body’s HDL level. This is a type of cholesterol that is beneficial to the human body and its systems.

Does the testosterone replacement therapy Sydney method have the same properties as steroids?

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TRT participants and steroid users both use medications that have one thing in common. Both possess testosterone. The fundamental difference, though, is in the amount of food that a person will consume.

TRT dosages are recommended to maintain your T levels within the accepted normal range of the medical community. 


On the other hand, steroids are used when what your body needs is a supra-physiological range of testosterone. This range, though, is beyond what your body can naturally produce on its own. 


The Low T condition is more prevalent in men than in women. Because it is found in greater quantities in men than in women, it stands to reason that lower levels of this hormone will have a significant impact on how their bodies function.

If you are under the impression that you may be a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy, Sydney’s professional doctors encourage you to reach out to a nearby, reputable TRT clinic for a consultation. 

Once properly diagnosed by virtue of blood tests, you’ll be offered possible treatment options. You will base your decision on how and on how exactly your preferred treatment option will impact your current lifestyle.

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How to Increase Your Testosterone By Exercising According to TRT Sydney Doctors?

Consult a qualified TRT Sydney doctor about the effect of exercise on testosterone and they will tell you that doing any type of exercise, particularly those that engage your entire body, including aerobics, can help bring this important hormone to normal levels again. 

How much of an increase in testosterone is needed to prevent the symptoms of low testosterone from occurring, and how high are your levels? As you get fitter through your workout routine, your testosterone levels will increase.

Exercise and Their Direct Impact on Testosterone Levels

cardiovascular exerciseA man’s testosterone levels go up after strenuous exercise, particularly for men who are engaged in heavy-weight workouts. This scale of increase would go on for anywhere between 15 minutes to a quarter of an hour. 

In men, strength training at night has been shown to increase testosterone levels by as much as 100%. The good thing about it is that it is bound to stay elevated for as long as six hours. 

Those who are new to working out are observed to receive a much larger boost to their hormone levels, but as time goes by, they’re bound to return to the normal range again.

So far, research has yet to uncover the definitive consequences of this rise, but if you have a low T, you will feel the changes within you. A routine exercise habit may be enough to drive you up into the normal range if you have borderline low levels.

Although exercise indeed has many other benefits, including improved heart health, muscle mass, weight loss, and protection from chronic disease, all of these benefits stem from the overall benefits of being physically active.

Exercise Keeps Obesity at Bay

Obesity is often seen by health experts and TRT Sydney doctors as one of the primary reasons for low testosterone in men. Engaging in a regular workout routine will help you shed pounds, resulting in better levels of testosterone hormone. 


Endurance training and cardio also have the potential to increase your testosterone levels. A good workout will help you shed fat while building lean muscle mass, which will help improve your metabolism. Strength training comes with a more intensive impact on testosterone levels than endurance training does.

Engage In Workout to Boost Testosterone

To maximize your testosterone levels for optimal health, follow these steps:

  • The best way to work out is by doing compound exercises, such as squats and chest presses. Since these exercises engage multiple muscle groups, they are far more effective at increasing testosterone levels by stimulating testosterone release as opposed to isolation movements.
  • Perform at least three sets and use weights that make you fatigued after twelve reps. You’re better off doing eight to 12 reps per set rather than going heavier and being able to do just six to eight reps per set.
  • Work for the same muscle groups just two or three times a week. Take at least 48 hours between working these muscles.

Incorporate a positive food intake with exercise to get the best results. Instead of opting for high-fat meats and whole-grain fare, eat poultry and fish, produce in its whole state, fresh fruit and vegetables, and don’t skip the health-promoting fats from olive oil, nuts, and avocado.

Maintain a healthy balance in your workout life. Strenuous exercise puts physical stress on the body, and prolonged exposure to this stress can be detrimental to testosterone levels.

If you feel lethargic and sore too fast after working out and you can’t bounce back after workouts, or you see a significant drop in your athletic results – you might need to see a TRT Sydney doctor for a check-up. 

Low testosterone is a condition that can cause numerous side effects, such as sleep disturbance, low libido, depression, and muscle loss. And there is no better way to deal with it than with the help and guidance of a qualified physician. 

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What Treatment Options Do We Have for Low Testosterone According to TRT Australian Doctors?

fitness healthSeasoned TRT Australian doctors say that a huge number of teenage boys in the country are indeed prone to suffering from the banes of delayed puberty. In order to prevent such problems from taking place, early detection is of paramount importance. 

A teenage boy who is experiencing the indicative signs of low testosterone may be endorsed for blood testing. Alongside that physical exams will be carried also to help in determining whether the size of the testes, muscle volume, and the amount of pubic hair in the pelvic area are consistent with his age. 

Since the amount of testosterone in the male human body varies and is generally at its peak early in the morning, sample blood testing should be carried out early in the day. The best time for this is before 10 am, and if possible it should be done in more than 1 day.  

If a blood testing procedure affirms low testosterone in the system, further testing will help in identifying if there is an anomaly in the pituitary gland or if a testicular disorder is a cause. Such test would include:

  • Semen analysis
  • Hormone testing
  • Genetic studies, 
  • Testicular biopsy
  • Pituitary imaging 

Different Kinds of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The use of oral testosterone preparations for the treatment of hypogonadism is discouraged because they can induce serious liver problems. Apart from that, this form of treatment is not likely to keep testosterone levels stable.  

Only recently, there is one oral testosterone replacement preparation that earned the approval of the FDA, and that is the testosterone undecanoate (Jatenzo). This OTR formula is being absorbed by the lymph system. Contrary to other oral forms of testosterone replacement formulas, this one’s not likely to cause problems in the liver.  

Other alternative forms of treatment would include the following (all would be in reference to your current insurance provider, cost, and convenience):  

Implantable pellets

These are formulations that contain testosterone in pellet form. They are usually implanted through the skin once every 3 to 6 months. The treatment will not require an incision.  


There are different ways that a gel form of treatment can be administered to a patient with a low-T condition. Depending on the gel brand that you have, the gel can be rubbed into the skin, particularly in the upper arm. Hence, bathing or showering several hours after the application is discouraged. This will help ensure that it is properly absorbed by the skin. 

Side effects in the form of skin irritation may occur. Users are advised to veer away from making any kind of skin-to-skin contact while the gel is not yet fully dry. Otherwise, it runs the risk of the gel getting wasted.  


This form of TRT Australia treatment can be administered under the patient’s skin or into the muscle. Therefore, either the patient himself or an immediate family or household member must learn how to give testosterone injections. 

health goal

In the absence of someone to assist the TRT patient, a qualified and licensed nursing professional can provide help instead. Injection of testosterone can be done once every 10 weeks.


This form of treatment for low-T conditions is patch pads (Androderm) that contain testosterone. You apply them every night, either on your torso or thighs. The severe reaction of the skin is a possible side effect. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult first your TRT doctor regarding this treatment option, most especially if you happen to have sensitive skin that is prone to irritation.   


This treatment option comes in gel form, and it can be pumped into your nostrils. One advantage of this type of treatment is that it takes away the risk that your medication could be wasted or transferred to somebody else due to skin contact.

Opting for this form of treatment requires two times application in each nostril, and should be administered 3 times every day. Compared to other popular treatment methods, some TRT patients will find this option inconvenient somehow.  

Wrapping Up!

When it comes to dealing with puberty retardation in young teenage boys, proper treatment would be highly dependent on the underlying cause. 

Supplementation of testosterone for a minimum period of 3 to 6 months in an injectable form can help in catalyzing puberty together with the development of the male sex secondary characteristics which include pubic hair growth, increased muscle volume, and growth of the penis. 


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What is the Recommended Diet for TRT in Australia?

Gradual reduction of testosterone in men is a natural occurrence with age. Low testosterone affects many men and a precursor to several undesirable symptoms. Unknown to many of us, testosterone levels can be caused by several different factors. 

Besides chronic diseases, our daily diet can also induce low-T conditions. Therefore, if you are suspecting that you may be a likely candidate for testosterone replacement therapy due to the glaring symptoms that you are having, your best course of action here is to reach out to a medical professional and inquire about TRT in Australia. Ask about the best possible but convenient treatment options that will likely work best for you.  

Foods That May Decrease Testosterone

The human body and mind are benefited in several different ways when you feed it with no less than a healthy, balanced diet. Therefore, it is not surprising to know that it can help in the treatment of low testosterone. 

If you are suffering from low-T condition and it is badly affecting the quality of your life, changing your diet should become an integral part of your treatment plan.  

Did you know that several food items can induce low production of testosterone in your system? Thus, you need to know exactly what these food items are. Hence, you can veer away from consuming them even more. 

A reputable TRT doctor should know how to help you in fine-tuning your diet to complement your testosterone replacement therapy.  

These food items have been found out to interfere with a man’s hormone levels: 

  • Alcohol
  • Soy products
  • Trans-fats
  • Omega-6 fatty acids  

Since diet has been found out by the medical community as having a significant impact on testosterone production, your attending doctor will likely advise you to avoid or limit the amount of your consumption of some food items, that is on top of your TRT Australian treatment. Otherwise, you will stand a poor chance of achieving your optimal health. 

Additionally, we suggest that you keep yourself away from observing low-fat diet programs since they are also associated with reduced production of testosterone. Meanwhile, know that certain fats can also induce low production of testosterone, but polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids have been found to elevate the testicular function. This is the reason why we want to encourage you to discuss this aspect, your diet plan, with your TRT doctor when he is trying to discuss and design for you a suitable low-T treatment program. 

What Food Items You Should Eat More Of? 


With respect to a 2012 study, consuming ginger supplements for 3 consecutive months will help increase testosterone levels by at least 17.7 %. The research was participated in by 75 adult male and are medically diagnosed as having issues on their fertility. The result of the said research also points out that ginger also has a major role to play when it comes to improving sperm health.  

Oyster in big plates


Compared to other food sources, oysters are far richer in zinc, which is vital to sperm health and an elevated reproductive function.  Men who are diagnosed with zinc deficiency are susceptible to hypogonadism, a condition wherein the body is having a hard time in producing the right amount of testosterone it needs. 

Besides, zinc deficiency is sometimes a precursor to impotence or at times derails sexual maturation. Also Swiss chard, spinach, and kale have a high concentration of magnesium. You need to eat food items that are rich in magnesium since this mineral can help improve testosterone production.   


Onions belong to the group of superfoods due to their various health-promoting benefits, from helping you to have a slimmer waistline down to supporting/promoting your cardiovascular health. 

Besides, they are reputed to be a rich source of antioxidants and nutrients.  

Onions have been found out to help increase low amounts of testosterone in the male human body. In 2012, a comprehensive study made use of a rat as a specimen model and subjected the same to a daily intake of onion juice for 4 consecutive weeks. At the end part of the study, results showed that there is a dramatic improvement in testosterone levels.  

Aside from making some changes to what your diet should contain more and increasing your intake of some food items as specified above, you might want to slow down also on your exercise program and lower your stress. Doing so can help in boosting low T-levels. Most men medically diagnosed as having low T-levels need to try a combination of approaches.

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