How Excessive Exercise and Workout Can Affect Your T-Levels According to TRT Perth Doctors?

fitnessIf you are an athlete, it is almost innate or second nature for you to commit yourself to find ways to improve yourself all the time. To always become a better version of yourself, to improve your performance. 

However, pushing yourself to the limit and training harder will not always translate into getting the physique you want. Without giving your body adequate rest to recover, the rigorous training and exercise routines you’ve been doing will eventually backfire on you. If this happens, it will run the risk of compromising your body’s ability to deliver better performance.

While exercise and training tend to degrade your muscles, adequate amounts of rest periods promote their growth and regeneration. If you are in the habit of doing excessive exercise and you meld that with insufficient recuperation time, you will end up with the so-called “overtraining syndrome.”

What is Overtraining Syndrome?

TRT Perth doctors say that overtraining syndrome can be defined as a maladaptive result of excessive exercise without enough breaks or rest. It lays the groundwork for perturbations of multiple physiological systems, such as endocrinologic, immunologic, and neurologic, and even mood disturbances.

Thus, the overtraining syndrome can have a detrimental effect on not just performance, but it can also affect one’s hormonal health, mental health, and immune system functions. 

How do you push yourself too much? A rapid decline in performance, weariness, and difficulty sleeping are all indicator signs you need to look out for. However, repeated vigorous exercise without enough rest has been proven to cause a substantial decrease in testosterone.

How Much Testosterone Does Our Body Need?

Testosterone (T) is both a male and female steroid hormone. In the case of men, during their late thirties, their testosterone levels inevitably drop by around 1-2 percent per year. 

TESTOSTERONE, which is a hormone most predominant in men, is also found in women. However, their bodies produce this hormone in significantly smaller quantities. 

While testosterone levels vary by gender, age, and level of fitness, you may use the following guidelines:

  • Men: 348 to 1197 ng/dL of total testosterone
  • Women: (18-49 years of age): 8-48 ng/dL
  • Women (50+ years of age): 3-41 ng/dL

If your testosterone levels are considered very low, there are many different ways, including TRT Perth programs, that can be taken into account to help you boost them, such as changes in your diet, lifestyle, and exercise. 

Why is Testosterone Relevant to Athletic Performance?

Testosterone is paramount to the development and maintenance of muscle mass and strength. Optimal testosterone levels are necessary to create and maintain bone density. Therefore, if there is insufficient testosterone in the bloodstream, it can weaken the bones, thus making them more susceptible to fracture or breakage.


In addition, testosterone has been found to also have a pivotal role in maintaining an anabolic (muscle-building) as opposed to a catabolic or muscle-breaking muscle condition. 

If a man’s T-levels are low and the cortisol in his bloodstream is high, his body compensates for it and does so by breaking down muscles to make use of the proteins they carry for energy production instead. 

Testosterone also plays an important role in the body’s energy maintenance. This only goes to show that this hormone, when in proper concentration in the bloodstream, can help you feel more energized during workouts or when performing your exercise routines. It is also a bonus that it can boost your endurance. 

Then finally, testosterone has been found only recently to help promote effective brain activity. This is associated with learning and the ability of the memory to remember/recall even the nitty-gritty of particular information. This is particularly helpful for athletes who need to quickly learn new tricks and routines. As a result, if your testosterone levels are low, the odds are high that you may be performing below your best potential.

Wrapping Up!

Do you think you need to concern yourself with low T? What low testosterone symptoms are you experiencing at the moment? If you are bothered that you may have low testosterone and it is getting in the way of the quality of your life, we suggest that it is high time that you get in touch with a reputable TRT clinic in your area for consultation and possible treatment options.

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How is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sydney Different From Steroids Use?

Testosterone replacement therapy Sydney form is a legitimate type of HRT, or hormone replacement therapy. The objective of this treatment is to assist men suffering from low or decreased testosterone levels in their bloodstream and eventually help them improve the quality of their lives. 

This can be accomplished by assisting their bodies to produce the ideal amount of testosterone needed by the body.

clean living

Before we dig into this even further, let us first clarify a popular misconception about testosterone itself. To be clear, testosterone is an anabolic steroid. This means to say that it is the same type of substance that other problematic athletes have abused illegally in the past. To put it mildly, this is a qualified performance-enhancing substance.

TRT in Australia is classified into four broad groups, namely:

Subcutaneous Implant:

This type of testosterone replacement therapy Sydney doctors use and offer to their patients involves the placement of a tiny pellet beneath the skin. Your attending doctor can place the pellet underneath the skin of the buttocks or in the abdomen area, depending, of course, on the preference of the patient. 

With regard to the size of the pellet, they are usually a little larger than the size of a grain of rice. As a form of TRT, it can assist in maintaining a high testosterone concentration in the bloodstream. However, it should be administered at least once every 3-5 months.

Transdermal Patch:

Like an implant, this form of treatment offered by TRT Australian doctors provides a consistent stream of testosterone to the male human body by virtue of a small patch. 

The testosterone patch can be worn on the scrotum or can be placed on the upper arm. However, it does not come without a minor drawback. Testosterone patches can sometimes induce mild skin irritation, which is tolerable even for those who happen to have sensitive skin.


When it comes to the safest method of TRT in Australia, it has to be the injectable type.  A licensed physician or health worker can administer testosterone at the patient’s home, which is one of the most cost-effective approaches to low testosterone. 

One of the sought out advantages of this treatment option is that it tends to mimic the natural fluctuations of testosterone. 

Gels and Creams

Creams and gels are other popular forms of TRT in Australia. They are widely accepted among TRT patients because they are easier and more convenient to administer. Besides their high level of effectiveness, TRT clinics can administer them once or even two times daily, either to the arms or shoulders.

Along with their ease of application, they also have a string of additional benefits for patients. One, they add up to the body’s HDL level. This is a type of cholesterol that is beneficial to the human body and its systems.

Does the testosterone replacement therapy Sydney method have the same properties as steroids?

medical guidance

TRT participants and steroid users both use medications that have one thing in common. Both possess testosterone. The fundamental difference, though, is in the amount of food that a person will consume.

TRT dosages are recommended to maintain your T levels within the accepted normal range of the medical community. 


On the other hand, steroids are used when what your body needs is a supra-physiological range of testosterone. This range, though, is beyond what your body can naturally produce on its own. 


The Low T condition is more prevalent in men than in women. Because it is found in greater quantities in men than in women, it stands to reason that lower levels of this hormone will have a significant impact on how their bodies function.

If you are under the impression that you may be a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy, Sydney’s professional doctors encourage you to reach out to a nearby, reputable TRT clinic for a consultation. 

Once properly diagnosed by virtue of blood tests, you’ll be offered possible treatment options. You will base your decision on how and on how exactly your preferred treatment option will impact your current lifestyle.

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How TRT Brisbane Myths Impact Men in the Local Communities?

supplementIf you have been struggling with low energy for the longest time, the odds are high that you have been having some issues with your testosterone now being all-time low. Decreased testosterone in the male human body, otherwise known as male hypogonadism, affects 5% of the entire male population in Australia. 

Unfortunately, instead of seeking proper medical treatment, some men are misguided and conned to believe some things about low testosterone that are not true and deliberately misleading. These are the various myths and false notions about low testosterone. Identifying these myths is paramount to knowing and sharing the truths and facts behind them. 

Myth # 1: Low testosterone is part and parcel of aging in men.  

Here is a million-dollar question for this, is the gradual decrease of testosterone in men inevitable? This is a misconception and thus keeps countless numbers of men from seeking the medical care they need. 

It is a natural occurrence for testosterone to have a gradual decrease as men advance in age. However, there are instances that testosterone drops are determined as way below the accepted healthy range. This is where TRT Brisbane normally comes into the picture, most especially if the condition is getting in the way of enjoying a healthy quality of life.  

Myth # 2: Senior men are most prone to low-T levels. 

Truth is low testosterone is one of those health conditions that are not known to discriminate by age. It can affect any man, regardless of the age bracket, he is in. Therefore, men in their senile years don’t have the monopoly of this illness, everyone is prone to it even young boys.  

Proper diagnostic measures will help determine if you are already suffering from low testosterone or not. Your attending physician must not only make a thorough assessment of your symptoms, but he should also work on doing your blood tests which will help determine the various levels of hormones in your system.  

Myth #3: TRT Brisbane can enhance sperm count. 

The impression of many that testosterone replacement therapy will boost testosterone production of sperm in the testes is one of the many things that TRT programs will not do. This is a qualified myth and there is nothing true about it. 

However, TRT Brisbane programs have been documented to help decrease fatigue and boost energy levels, libido, and mood. Aside from those, there are a handful of other benefits that can be enjoyed such as increased bone density and muscle strength.  

While results will vary to some and are not instant, it will help the TRT patient feel extremely amazing. It gives you the impression that you are just back to your old, normal self.  

Myth #4: TRT programs put you in harm’s way of cancer and heart disease. 

An old study regarding this concern suggested that hormone replacement programs are likely to increase a man’s risk of having a heart attack. However, there have been a handful of other independent investigations about this that are telling otherwise. 

One of the most recent studies indicates that supplementation of testosterone will lower the risk of cardiovascular events.  

men's health

There is also no basis for concerns about TRT inducing cancer. TRT programs, however, are controversial for those patients who have been diagnosed before as having prostate cancer.

Myth #5: There is nothing to worry about purchasing testosterone online.  

Testosterone medications belong to the group of controlled substances. You are allowed possession of them only when you have a prescription from a licensed physician. Therefore, excessive consumption of testosterone medication without any guidance from a physician is likely to put the person in harm’s way.  

There is a clear and present danger when you consume excessive amounts of testosterone in your body. It runs the risk of pushing your system to the point where it won’t be able to produce testosterone anymore. 

Another risk entailed with excessive use of testosterone supplementation is that it can lead to the abnormal enlargement of breasts. And high levels of testosterone in your system can also put you in harm’s way of blood clots. It will help lay the foundation for stroke.  

Wrapping Up!

To rule out other serious medical issues, to which there is a good possibility one among those could be inducing your TRT symptoms and not low testosterone per se, you need to undergo an appropriate diagnosis first. This can be done either by a licensed and experienced endocrinologist and urologist.  

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Why Certain Physical Exercises Can Amplify The Benefits of a TRT Sydney Program in Hypogonadal Men?

While it is not yet considered by the scientific and medical communities as something conclusive, there are a handful of studies that seem to show that regular exercise may significantly help in heightening up the perceived benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.  

TRT Sydney Programs Myth

 If you are among the countless number of men in the country suffering from the pangs of late-onset hypogonadism, we suggest that you carry on reading this article for your benefit. 

 A research team from Inje University’s Department of Urology in Seoul, South Korea, led by Min Gu Park, MD, presented the result of the study they conducted and headed in the most recent American Urological Association or AUA. 

men's healthPark’s study has an assemblage of 50 men, belonging to the 50 and 60 age bracket — and all these participants have been afflicted with erectile dysfunction and given a serum testosterone level that is not more than 350 ng/dL.  

In random order, the researchers assigned 25 men to a 12 week TRT program alone while the other 25 were also given the same TRT program but they are also given a 20-week 3-times a week exercise program. 

The said workout program is a melding of 10-minute warm-up stretching, 20-minute aerobic workout, 30 minutes of strength-building exercise, and then to wrap up the session, another round of 20-minute aerobic exercise should be done. 

At baseline, these program exercisers and non-exercisers were administered with similar amounts of free testosterone.  

In 12 weeks, the total levels of serum testosterone were significantly improving in the exercise group (P=.019), where the difference seemed to last for as long as the exercise did. After the lapsing of 20 weeks, the exercise group was able to maintain significantly higher amounts of levels of testosterone in their system as opposed to the sedentary group (P=.001). 

In addition to all that we indicated above, the exercise group enjoyed a greater improvement in their condition concerning erectile function. Overall, around 72.2% of all the men in the exercise group said they enjoyed improvements in their erectile function problem at the closing of their 20th week of treatment. 

In contrast to that, only 45.5% of the men in the non-exercising group did. This paved the way for the researchers to believe once again that exercise plays a crucial role when it comes to amplifying and extending the perceived benefits of the TRT Sydney program.  

Beyond the small sample size of the research, Park took notice of one major limitation of their research, which is not pretty obvious to see. This has something to do with the lack of exercise only team to show whether the physical workout program is giving an instrumental role in supplementing T-levels at 20 weeks or if the sole thing responsible for the numbers is purely exercised alone. 

Previous scientific research and investigations reveal that there is a very positive relationship existing between regular exercise/workouts in men and their testosterone levels.  

mental health

Studies conducted on men belonging to different age groups show that physical exercises, particularly ones that are qualified as weight-bearing workouts, significantly help in increasing testosterone production.

In the same line also, TRT Sydney programs are very helpful when it comes to revitalizing the male human body so they can perform various exercises, especially workout routines that involve lifting weights.

This new research is resonating with the results of a handful of other recent studies. They found out that a high body mass index can be used to determine if the male human body is responding poorly to a TRT program. 

After making a thorough look into the records of 58 patients from Cornell who were administered with testosterone, they conducted a comparative analysis of its impact on 32 patients who were qualified as obese against 26 others who are not obese. 

At the cessation of the study, around 81% of the non-obese men were able to achieve normal levels of testosterone as opposed to the 52% of the men qualified as obese (P=0.03). 

If there is something you need to learn or know about TRT Sydney offerings in the country, we encourage you to reach out to a reputable doctor with experience and extensive background in the hormone replacement program. They can further educate you on this matter and are in the best position to give you the answers you are looking for. 


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