How to Increase Your Testosterone By Exercising According to TRT Sydney Doctors?

Consult a qualified TRT Sydney doctor about the effect of exercise on testosterone and they will tell you that doing any type of exercise, particularly those that engage your entire body, including aerobics, can help bring this important hormone to normal levels again. 

How much of an increase in testosterone is needed to prevent the symptoms of low testosterone from occurring, and how high are your levels? As you get fitter through your workout routine, your testosterone levels will increase.

Exercise and Their Direct Impact on Testosterone Levels

cardiovascular exerciseA man’s testosterone levels go up after strenuous exercise, particularly for men who are engaged in heavy-weight workouts. This scale of increase would go on for anywhere between 15 minutes to a quarter of an hour. 

In men, strength training at night has been shown to increase testosterone levels by as much as 100%. The good thing about it is that it is bound to stay elevated for as long as six hours. 

Those who are new to working out are observed to receive a much larger boost to their hormone levels, but as time goes by, they’re bound to return to the normal range again.

So far, research has yet to uncover the definitive consequences of this rise, but if you have a low T, you will feel the changes within you. A routine exercise habit may be enough to drive you up into the normal range if you have borderline low levels.

Although exercise indeed has many other benefits, including improved heart health, muscle mass, weight loss, and protection from chronic disease, all of these benefits stem from the overall benefits of being physically active.

Exercise Keeps Obesity at Bay

Obesity is often seen by health experts and TRT Sydney doctors as one of the primary reasons for low testosterone in men. Engaging in a regular workout routine will help you shed pounds, resulting in better levels of testosterone hormone. 


Endurance training and cardio also have the potential to increase your testosterone levels. A good workout will help you shed fat while building lean muscle mass, which will help improve your metabolism. Strength training comes with a more intensive impact on testosterone levels than endurance training does.

Engage In Workout to Boost Testosterone

To maximize your testosterone levels for optimal health, follow these steps:

  • The best way to work out is by doing compound exercises, such as squats and chest presses. Since these exercises engage multiple muscle groups, they are far more effective at increasing testosterone levels by stimulating testosterone release as opposed to isolation movements.
  • Perform at least three sets and use weights that make you fatigued after twelve reps. You’re better off doing eight to 12 reps per set rather than going heavier and being able to do just six to eight reps per set.
  • Work for the same muscle groups just two or three times a week. Take at least 48 hours between working these muscles.

Incorporate a positive food intake with exercise to get the best results. Instead of opting for high-fat meats and whole-grain fare, eat poultry and fish, produce in its whole state, fresh fruit and vegetables, and don’t skip the health-promoting fats from olive oil, nuts, and avocado.

Maintain a healthy balance in your workout life. Strenuous exercise puts physical stress on the body, and prolonged exposure to this stress can be detrimental to testosterone levels.

If you feel lethargic and sore too fast after working out and you can’t bounce back after workouts, or you see a significant drop in your athletic results – you might need to see a TRT Sydney doctor for a check-up. 

Low testosterone is a condition that can cause numerous side effects, such as sleep disturbance, low libido, depression, and muscle loss. And there is no better way to deal with it than with the help and guidance of a qualified physician. 

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